Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics

Stellar Analysis Pipeline

User info (optional)
Instr. specs & Source (optional)
Stellar parameters

Checked: Parameter p will be derived by SME using an initial guess provided through the textbox. Unchecked: p is fixed to the value provided in the textbox.

When activated, the best-fit values and uncertainties will be derived via MCMC. This may lead to very long runtimes (more than several hours).


Derive abundance

Reported abundances are on the "12+log-epsilon" scale, i.e. log10 of the fraction of nuclei of the element in any form relative to the number of hydrogen in any form plus an offset of 12. For the Sun, the abundance values of H, He, and Li are approximately 12, 10.9, and 1.05.

If stellar parameters (Teff, logg and monh) are fixed, abundances may be derived using only the lines selected below.

Limit wavelength range from to

  NLTE (Li, Mg, Na, O, Si, Ba, Ca, Fe, Ti)
Log console